One Day

The students’ laughter echoed down the hall. I saw a number of girls who covered their head with veil and those who did not, they just talk happily without any hint of difference aside from the way they dress up. They laugh the same, they talk about things, and no line was drawn between. When I walked the pathway, I stopped by a mild vehicular accident across the road, the two men did not shout to each other. They talk like grown and matured individuals who has the ability to solve things through communication. Not long after, they shake hands and decided to just let it pass, went their own ways to work instead of wasting time arguing whose fault was it.

I notice how silent crimes and corruption have become here in the campus. The students, faculty and staff, and even the residents have been living in harmony for a few weeks now feeling safe and secure. Complete facility and equipment helpful for the students were provided. There were no reported cases of robbery, hold-up, violence and other crimes such as murder and rape so far. A huge change has come finally. In fact, I’ve read an article about Mindanao State University (MSU) tagged as a “world- class university”. Peace had invaded MSU, and still on its way to prove its prestige in the international arena.

Then, I woke up… It was a wonderful dream. So good that I wanted to stay a little more.

MSU was one of the largest State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the Philippines, with a population of more or less 16,000 students per semester. People coming from different places, having different culture, tribe, beliefs, and gender preferences were all together living and chasing dreams. But MSU faces more problems than anyone could ever imagine. It has long been soaked to issues of nepotism, graft and corruption, crimes and so many others. I see MSU as the small version of a third world country like ours.

Congested streets were very noticeable that causes numerous vehicular accidents every single day, the colleges lack facility and buildings, internet connection was too slow, the problem on proper waste management still worsens, conflicts happen everywhere, and the culture of impunity remains the trend. More than 5 decades have passed but peace and change were still nowhere to be found.

When the former President of MSU System, Dr. Macapado Muslim, envisioned MSU to become a world- class university by the year 2020, I honestly don’t believe it for two reasons. First is that, with all the listed problems above, it was just hard to believe or even be given a pinch of hope. Secondly, year 2020 is far too ambitious when even a simple solution on internet connection cannot be solved. His term ended and the vision was still a vision. Another man seated, President Habib Macaayong, with the same vision to make MSU one that could compete globally. And here we are again… hoping and dreaming.

But then Phil Baty, editor of the Times Higher Education (THE) said, “Top-quality universities come in many different shapes and sizes, and there is no single model of excellence. With this in mind, the THE World University Rankings are carefully designed to capture excellence in teaching and research against a university’s own mission and its own unique profile.”

MSU has its own unique profile that offers opportunity to prove that there is beauty in diversity. And that one day, it may not be on year 2020, peace and change will come not in our dreams but in reality.

It was a long journey but we should never stop. Along the way, peace should start in ones’ heart and mind. Only then would it be trickling down to the society where we belong. Culture and beliefs should not limit us to understand and respect one another nor give us the right to judge others. Change should start within us, the way we think, act and speak. Differences should never be a hindrance to achieve a harmonious community on where dreams do come true.

One day, they laugh the same, they talk about things, and no line was drawn between…